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At Read That Again we believe that Jesus Christ (The Anointed One) is the Son of God and is God. He was born of a Virgin by the Holy Spirit. He lived a sinless life as fully man, fully God. HE died for EVERYONE and HE has risen and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He sent us the Holy Spirit to guide, teach and comfort us. In HIS death and resurrection we are set free from sin and reconciled to have a deep and intimate relationship with God.

Good News


We are all made precious with value, purpose and in the Image of GOD!


But we were unfaithful in our relationship with Him, and so death and all kinds of suffering enters our reality...


Thankfully - God loves us so much that He gives His only Son to die for EVERYONE, and so He pays the spiritual debt we owe!


So that if we believe and follow Him we will be reconciled in our relationship with God and Life can be restored back within us!

"A Mighty Fortress Is Our God Lyrics": Finding Strength and Refuge in God

Writer's picture: York DuvenhageYork Duvenhage

Updated: Oct 5, 2023

A Mighty Fortress Is Our God Lyrics

"A Mighty Fortress Is Our God" Lyrics:

A mighty fortress is our God,

A bulwark never failing;

Our helper He, amid the flood

Of mortal ills prevailing:

For still our ancient foe

Doth seek to work us woe;

His craft and power are great,

And, armed with cruel hate,

On earth is not his equal.

Did we in our own strength confide,

Our striving would be losing;

Were not the right Man on our side,

The Man of God's own choosing:

Dost ask who that may be?

Christ Jesus, it is He;

Lord Sabaoth, His Name,

From age to age the same,

And He must win the battle.

And though this world, with devils filled,

Should threaten to undo us,

We will not fear, for God hath willed

His truth to triumph through us:

The Prince of Darkness grim,

We tremble not for him;

His rage we can endure,

For lo! his doom is sure,

One little word shall fell him.

That word above all earthly powers,

No thanks to them, abideth;

The Spirit and the gifts are ours

Through Him who with us sideth:

Let goods and kindred go,

This mortal life also;

The body they may kill:

God's truth abideth still,

His kingdom is forever.


"A Mighty Fortress Is Our God (Lyrics)" is a hymn that speaks of finding strength and refuge in God. In this blog post, we will explore the profound lyrics of this hymn and uncover the message of faith, trust, and God's protection it conveys.

"A Mighty Fortress Is Our God" Lyrics:

The hymn begins by proclaiming God as a mighty fortress, an unwavering stronghold that never fails. It acknowledges that amidst the floods of trials and challenges, God stands as our helper. The lyrics recognize the presence of an ancient foe who seeks to bring us harm. However, it affirms that no equal to God exists on Earth, as He is armed with unmatched power and relentless love.

The hymn highlights that if we were to rely on our own strength, we would be destined for defeat. But the lyrics reveal that the right Man is on our side—the chosen Man of God, Jesus Christ. It proclaims His divine identity as Lord Sabaoth, the same throughout all ages. With Christ leading the way, victory is assured.

Even in a world filled with evil and threats that may seek to undo us, the hymn assures believers that fear has no place in our hearts. God has ordained that His truth will triumph through us. The lyrics acknowledge the Prince of Darkness and confidently declare that we do not tremble in his presence. His doom is certain, and with one word from God, he will be brought down.

The hymn concludes by acknowledging the power of God's word, which surpasses all earthly forces. It acknowledges that the Spirit of God and His gifts are with us, and through Him, we can face any challenge. The lyrics invite us to let go of worldly possessions and even our mortal lives, knowing that God's truth remains unshakable. His kingdom is eternal, providing ultimate security and refuge.

Message of Strength for Christians

Message of Strength and Refuge:

"A Mighty Fortress Is Our God" encourages believers to find strength and refuge in God, even in the midst of battles and adversities. The lyrics remind us that God is our unwavering stronghold, our helper in times of trouble. It acknowledges the existence of spiritual opposition but affirms that God's power far surpasses any force against us.

The hymn conveys the message that our own strength is insufficient, but with Christ by our side, we are assured of victory. It reminds us that we need not fear the threats and challenges that surround us because God's truth will ultimately prevail.

The lyrics provide comfort and assurance that no matter how grim the world may seem, God's power is greater. With a single word, He can bring down the forces of darkness. This message instills hope and empowers us to face any adversity with courage and unwavering faith.


"A Mighty Fortress Is Our God" is a hymn that continues to inspire and uplift believers throughout generations. Its lyrics remind us to find strength and refuge in God, acknowledging His unmatched power and unwavering love. May this timeless hymn encourage us to trust in God's protection, face our battles with confidence, and rest in the eternal security of His kingdom.



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